Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Female And Female Gender Roles - 3513 Words

Literature throughout history has displayed to us the evolution of the male and female gender roles in society. Women have been described as ‘the angel in the house,’ whilst men are typified as dominant and prevailing in comparison to women. The gothic genre in literature is used to personify and exaggerate these stereotypes, by using gothic motifs such as dream sequences and themes such as horror and terror. Not only does the gothic exaggerate the stereotypes, but it also allows them to be contravened, due to the transgressive nature of the genre. The psychoanalytical aspect of this genre, allows for repressed desires to be made eminent and therefore characters can transgress and in the process, cross their contemporary gender boundaries. Keats uses the gothic device of Negative capability in order to conceal the transgression of the females in his poetry, Carter revised gothic fairytales in order to display them from a feminist approach and Stoker uses gothic themes, set against the backdrop of the fluidity of Fin de sià ¨cle period, to allow characters to stray from their gender stereotypes. Victorian women were supposed to be both ‘selflessly devoted,’ to their children and ‘submissive,’ to their husbands, according to Coventry Patmore. However due to the trepidation of sexual mayhem that arose during the nineteenth century, society retaliated by recoiling from the idea of a woman having any sexual emancipation. This response was typical of the ‘Fin de Sià ¨cle’ period andShow MoreRelatedGender Roles For Females And Females Essay1305 Words   |  6 PagesIntroduction: In American society, social norms have created distinct gender roles for males and females. 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